Wednesday 12 December 2007

Ryan is a Bad Liar

I realized the other day that now you all know how we met, but most of you don't know the story of how Ryan actually popped the question. It's hard to make something you've been discussing for a couple of weeks much of a surprise, but he managed it somehow.

I found the ring during one of my occasional searches for antique jewelry. I never buy anything, but I love antiques, especially jewelry. I saw the ring and it stopped me dead in my tracks. We'd been talking about this for awhile. Ryan was trying to get a feel for what I liked. I showed him the ring, mentioning that while he obviously didn't have to get it, it was the sort of thing I could see myself wearing for the next 70 years or so.

He ended up getting it, but you knew that already.

Since there was no one around to pick it up, it was being held at the post office. The post office in Fairview closes at five. It was about a quarter to five and Ryan was at Union Station. I got a text shortly after that saying he didn't make it (I still have the text, because I'm a girl and we're allowed to keep things like that). I wondered about this...Did he text me because he knew he couldn't lie convincingly? I'd had kind of a crappy day. It was the first day back to school for teachers and I was tired. I didn't really feel good and now I was trying really hard not to be disappointed.

When Ryan got to my house, he did a great job of convincing me he really hadn't gotten there (I'll have to get him to tell the harrowing tale of how that actually happened) and was obviously trying to cheer me up. We decided to go to the yacht club for dinner. He made a big deal about sitting out on the deck, but he usually does so I didn't think much of it. We had dinner, it was gorgeous, the sun was setting over the lake.

We ordered chocolate cake for dessert. No matter how hard he tries to convince you otherwise, know that Ryan LOVES chocolate cake. We shared a slice on our first date, too. He was denying how much he loves chocolate cake when I told him what a bad liar he was.

And he smirked.

That's the only word for what he did. I knew then that something was up. He reached behind him and pulled out a pretty red box (which is in the hutch...because I'm a girl and we're allowed to keep things like that, too) that had been tucked into the back of his shirt because the box was too big for his pocket and he was worried about losing the ring if he put it in his pocket loose. He got down on one knee and asked if I would marry him.

And I dropped a forkful of chocolate cake on my pants. Oh, and I said yes.

But you knew that already.

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