Monday 31 December 2007

Ryan and Ginger

It's already been noted that Ryan "hates cats." He especially "hates" Ginger.

Ginger loooooves Ryan. Ginger (or Gigi Wigi, as she's known to friends) runs away from pretty much everybody else. She'll come back out to see Cindy or my mom, but other than that she's very skittish. She came fully grown from the Las Vegas Humane Society and judging by her reactions to things and her reluctance to get very snuggly until a year or so ago, I'd say she was probably mistreated.

The very first time Ryan came to my house Ginger stood on the back of her green chair and sniffed him out like he was her best friend...instead of running and hiding like she does with everyone else. Smart cat!

Ginger likes to share chairs with people...and by people, I mean either myself or Ryan.

And possibly even better...What they're looking at. I only caught the end, unfortunately.

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