Tuesday 17 July 2007

The Sun Never Rises on the British Empire...

Every morning it's beautiful here when we wake up (I mean when Ryan wakes up and I pretend that I'm awake and mumble incoherently for a bit...stinkin' morning people). Anyways, it's sunny and not too cool, not too warm. Then around 8 a.m. it clouds over. It's great again around 10, then cloudy again around noon, when it usually tries to rain. Sunny again until about 3 p.m. when, according to the locals, it rains just in time for school to let out. Every day. If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes...It'll change. This place makes Edinboro, PA seem consistent.

It was starting to rain...around 3 p.m. (go figure) when I took this picture of my second favourite (they've gotten to me!) sign.

I say this is my second favorite sign, because we passed one the other day that I pray I'll be able to take a picture of. We were in the car on the way back from Stanstead Airport (no, this was not the time Ryan nearly killed me...although riding with him certainly livens up my days) and I saw a sign that said, "Secret Nuclear Bunker." (C'mon, SECRET nuclear bunker? That's funny! I don't think I'd want a sign on my secret nuclear bunker...) If we can find it again, I promise I'll take a picture.

P.S. Mom, Ryan didn't really almost kill me...I was just kidding. He's really doing quite well...what, with the steering wheel being on the wrong side of the car, having to shift with his left hand, and driving on the wrong side of roads which are often only a car and a half wide. You'd be proud!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to know what humps for 3oo yards.

And tell Ryan if he would quit driving on the wrong side of the road it might help. You could also try shifting for him with your right hand.

Quess who?