Saturday 21 July 2007

Canary Wharf Take 2

Back to Canary Wharf Friday night for Moya Brennan (the mother of contemporary Irish music)! Bono said of her voice, "It's the most enchanting sound that any human being will ever experience" :-) We agree!! And in an enchanting place...or at least as an enchanting as it gets in "Big City" London ;-). I'm a sucker for a skyscraper and the whole thing is surreal (see pic at left for an idea).

OH THE IRONY!!! Moya on the big screen singing so beautifully in Irish and strokin her harp just 20 yards from the site of one of the biggest IRA attacks in history!

Last week I pulled off one of the best impromptu picnics in the long and distinguished history of British Picnics (caps). This week, once again, Lynnsey proved her culinary prowess (outdoing herself and me in the process); this picnic was FABUSCRUMPTUOUS! Everyone who passed by our blanket (parked about 15 yds from stage btw) was droolin: garlic herb tortellini in a marinara sauce, fresh ripe cherry tomatoes, roasted chicken, ciabatta and olive oil, fresh berries, a bottle of fine french chardonnay AND TIRAMISU...oh and...the Toblerone thief struck again!

Chilly night but we kept each other warm after killing the bottle of vino. We'll have to blog soon about the weather (I know Lynns has touched on it a bit already but it deserves a whole dissertation. Reeeedickulous! But you just start to roll with the punches after a while. Next time it rains I'm gonna bring my camera with me so stay tuned :-). The sum of it is that its A LOT cooler here than in the US.

The coolest part of the evening (like that transition) though was meeting Bruce and Caroline Le Gros. Interesting couple from New Zealand of all places who live aboard their boat, came here 20-30 years ago and stayed. Not sure what they do exactly (we didn't get that far) but he was deadeye dick with a camera and took this shot of us :-)...hopefully we can feenangle our way into dinner on their barge on the Thames :-D!

Off to watch the first Pyrennean mountain stage of the Tour!

Yours Truly,


sean said...

You guys look cute! Yummy food! Yikes! Summer in the UK sounds like winter in Cali. Should I send foul weather gear?

Unknown said...

Hi Ry! Lynnsey is darling! Hope all is going well in the UK. It looks like you guys are having a blast. We miss you! If I might steal a phrase, the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in England (thanks Mark Twain), so keep warm! Hope work is kicking butt too. ;-)