Thursday 15 May 2008

Burnin' Down the House

Well, not the house, but the place I spend a lot of time.

My little wonders in 7th grade decided that the day the assistant superintendent came to observe me teaching would be a good day to set one of the stoves on fire. They broke my 5 year streak.

It was an accident, really. They were just measuring the oil a little too close to the stove that happened to be on. We've had a big talk (again) about kitchen safety and proper measuring techniques. They think it's cool that I know how to use a fire extinguisher.

I suppose it's not all bad. How many teachers get to prove that they can handle an emergency in front of administrators? Then again, how many people have things in their rooms that catch on fire easily? I get the most sympathy from the shop guys and the chemistry teachers!

They managed not to set anything ablaze today while they made their pizza dough. That might have something to do with the fact that they didn't turn on the stove, but I still think it counts.

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