Monday 26 May 2008

Blueberry Does Some Gardening

It's well established that I usually can't grow things. My mom jokes that she's able to kill plastic flowers, except she's not joking. I inherited that from her.

Cindy has a theory, though. That Blueberry is the gardener...gardening vicariously through me.

I swear the window is not that dirty on the inside. I just can't reach the outside.

The window doesn't look as bad here...

The basil is great. It's been bruschetta-ed a couple of times now. The parsley is finally growing up instead of sideways. That's a bonus.

This kid has skills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefuly she or he wont pick up Auntie Cindy's bad habbets, the world is'nt ready for that.