Saturday night was taco night at our Liberty Street palace. Sue and Pete joined us for chips with salsa and guacamole, chicken quesadillas, make-your-own tacos, frozen strawberry margaritas (with an assist on the blender), and sundaes topped with chocolate and Spanish roasted peanuts (courtesy, again, of Sue).

Before the big game...

Ryan got promoted to head cook.

Liam decided to get very angry because no one offered him a taco, but other than that, I'd say it was success.
This morning, in a flash of inspiration, I decided to make taco that the fun (and the indigestion) could continue.

And, yes,'re invited next weekend for dinner...I'll make "that chicken stuff."
Hey!!! What about me??????..... But first I want to know what "that chicken stuff" is?? :)
"That chicken stuff you make" is what mom calls chicken parmesan.
You can come, too!
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