Tuesday 24 June 2008

That's Mr. Blueberry to You!

So, it's official...Blueberry is a BOY! Just what we need around here, another Sitter man! Ryan has been gloating all day...along with a couple of silly victory dances. He's already trying to apply for the Prep class of 2026.

It was actually the nice lady doing the echocardiogram who asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. Apparently, it was pretty obvious. Magee is a teaching hospital, so we had a bit of an audience in the form of two nice students observing. Even the girl who had started a week ago could identify the equipment.

They were having trouble getting a good look at the heart...the reason for this whole shindig...and the other student made a comment about him being willing to show us his "part," but not his heart. Typical man ;)

Everything looks good. The heart and hands look normal. He's practicing gymnastics in there from the look of it. All day they had trouble getting a clear shot at whatever they were trying to see.


Anonymous said...

awwww he's sooo cute.....and Ryan got his wish! It'll be fun even tho girls are easier (more fun) to shop for, but I could'nt imagion Ryan with a girl. At least he'll be warm and stylish with all the sweaters mommy is gonna knit him!


Anonymous said...

By the way from the looks of it he looks like Ryan!! hehe

It's a bunny


Anonymous said...

Dang it it didnt work let me try again

( '.' )

it looks good befor i send it
lets hope this one works beacuse it is soo cute

Anonymous said...

good enough

( '.' )


Tammy said...

Hm... I'm thinking you've a comment somewhere from me that you didn't like.... that said what you found out today.. he he he! He'll be adorable. He's already so cute! Hugs to you both!!

Anonymous said...

Any chance that Mr. Blueberry might be hiding his sister Little Miss Blueberry behind him and that's why he kept moving around? Maybe , could be, maybe!

I'm real happy that everything is going well for all.
I hope Ryan knows he gets his way this time but from now on it's the girls in the family that get their way----GIRLS RULE !!!!!!!!!!

It's great the baby is a boy cuz all the girls to come will need an older brother to wrap aroung their little fingers.
Ryan just think when you and your all female sailing crew win those races ever year how great the girls are going to look in the matching bikinis their mother will make for them. You'll have your hands full!!!!!!!HA HA !!!!!!
Love to you all

Auntie Cindy

Anonymous said...

what a woman eats before pregnancy influences the gender of her baby. Having a hearty appetite,eating potassium rich foods including bananas and not skipping breakfast seem to raise the odds of having a boy. It might be that it takes more nutrients to build boys. Male embryos aren't likely to survive in lab cultures with low sugar levels. Skipping meals can result in low sugar levels. Men's sperm determine a baby's gender but it could be that certain nutrients or eating patterns make women's bodies more hospitable to sperm carrying the male chromosome. Women who had the highest calorie intake, ate one bowl of breakfast cereal daily and had more potassium intake had boys than women who had girls. Looks like you did everything right. Love, GM