Sunday 15 June 2008

Blueberry Kicks Ryan's Butt

It's said that there are certain traits that seem to lend themselves to feeling the baby move early...being thin (not a problem I've ever had), having previous pregnancies, or being very in tune with your body.

I'm pretty in tune with my body (well, with the exception of not noticing for a month that I was probably pregnant, but I have excuses for that one!) and I'm pretty sure I've felt Blueberry move. I have to sit still for a little while and concentrate, but I know I can't just be that gassy!

At any rate...the other morning, while snuggled up, I'm pretty sure Blueberry kicked. Which means she kicked Ryan in the butt. He didn't find it nearly as amusing as I did, but he didn't feel it either.

I'm training her well already!


Anonymous said...

is it a boy or a girl i cant wait to find out dont tell Ryan but im on ur side i need another girl in the family.
~Emma~(almost cousin YAY counting down 5more days again YAY)

Lynnsey said...

We'll know either next Tuesday or the week after. Ryan doesn't want to know...I think he just knows that I'm right!

I agree with you. There's absolutely too many boys already!

Anonymous said...

FINALLY someone understands me!
