Wednesday 26 September 2007

Keeping Busy

For those of you out there who were unsure about this, let me tell you. Being an ocean away from the person you love SUCKS! (I know, I know...that's not a very lady-like word, but little else properly describes the situation) While I realize that it's not 1630 and there's email and Skype and text messaging and cell phones and what have you, it still sucks. So, I'm trying to keep busy.

In keeping busy, I finally finished quilting the T-shirt quilt. Really, like an hour ago.

Backstory: While Ryan was packing up the first time to go to England, he ended up with that pile of T-shirts that we all probably have. The ones you don't wear, but you can't get rid of. My pile is much smaller, but it does exist. Anyways, he was contemplating just getting rid of them when I suggested making a quilt out of them. He seemed surprised that it could be done (this was before he knew what I was capable of...ha!). I'm not one hundred percent certain he understood exactly what I meant to do with them, but he went along with it. I sent pictures of the progress to him when he was first in England. He thought it was great, thought I was great.

This is a daunting task, though. Someone you care about hands you their favorite t-shirts and you cut them into small pieces and sew them back together. There's a certain EEK! factor to that alone. You drink heavily and then you quilt the whole thing (with help from your cats).

So, now the hard parts are done. I think. I have to bind the edges and wash it to get rid of the lines I drew for quilting (and the cat hair!).

He'd better leave some room in his suitcase next time he comes back. He's going to have to fit a quilt and a sweater in there! I'm doing my part to warm up the UK!

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