Tuesday 12 February 2008

Bear Rug

Very early on, Ryan and I got into a conversation about interior design and home decor. We both agreed that a library was an absolute necessity. It needed big leather chairs...the kind with the brass buttons. It needed one of those "slide-y ladder things." It needed a fireplace.

I was with him up to this point. Then, he decided it needed a moose head over the fireplace. I agreed, as long as he killed the moose himself (I figure I'm safe on that count).

He also wants a bear rug. I'm not really sure how to get out of this one. Maybe I'll tell him he has to kill it and skin it himself.

He didn't like what I came up with...

I think it's cute. That'll look great in front of the fireplace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, the rug will look very nice in front of the fire place. And I'm sure the cats will agree to. The one you never call.