Tuesday 24 June 2008

That's Mr. Blueberry to You!

So, it's official...Blueberry is a BOY! Just what we need around here, another Sitter man! Ryan has been gloating all day...along with a couple of silly victory dances. He's already trying to apply for the Prep class of 2026.

It was actually the nice lady doing the echocardiogram who asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. Apparently, it was pretty obvious. Magee is a teaching hospital, so we had a bit of an audience in the form of two nice students observing. Even the girl who had started a week ago could identify the equipment.

They were having trouble getting a good look at the heart...the reason for this whole shindig...and the other student made a comment about him being willing to show us his "part," but not his heart. Typical man ;)

Everything looks good. The heart and hands look normal. He's practicing gymnastics in there from the look of it. All day they had trouble getting a clear shot at whatever they were trying to see.

Emma Wins!

The prize for best reader goes to...Emma!

She's certainly working the hardest, anyways. The rest of you are very passive readers. It's fun to get comments, you know!

So, keep up the good work, Emma! And teach your mom how to work that thing :)

Sunday 22 June 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Sitter

Yesterday was the big day.

Most of you know that, though. I think 90 percent of our readership was there. Thanks again for coming and helping us celebrate. To those of you who couldn't make it...you missed a great ceremony and some pretty darn good food. And to those of you who were scared off by the tornado-y winds...you missed a rip-roaring afterparty and a rather lively game of Trivial Pursuit.

I only have a few pictures at this point...courtesy of my mom...but, they're a start! (You could all e-mail your, high-resolution, please, pictures to me...there's a link over there!).

Here, Luke and Kayla steal the show. I think we have arranged another marriage! From what I hear young Mr. Martinucci was quite smitten with our tiny beauty.

The ceremony, much to everyone's delight, was short and sweet...and pretty funny. We couldn't have come up with a better referee.

The money shot.

It was a great day. The weather held for the ceremony and for dinner. The winds picked up and scattered our guests, but I hope everyone had a great time. I know those who stayed did!

A big, huge, humongous, gigantic, colossal (there's really not words) thanks goes to Sue and Mike for transforming their yard and their home into such a beautiful setting...harder than you'd think, even considering how beautiful it is to begin with. All of the beautiful flowers...in the ground, on the tables, in bouquets and boutonnieres...were the product of long, hard work on Sue's part. I personally can't tell a petunia from a poppy seed, but even I know that they were incredible. Mike likes to pretend he didn't do anything, but we all know better. That kind of magic doesn't just happen.

I'm just getting started. There's lots more (especially if you kind souls send pictures!).

Sunday 15 June 2008

Blueberry Kicks Ryan's Butt

It's said that there are certain traits that seem to lend themselves to feeling the baby move early...being thin (not a problem I've ever had), having previous pregnancies, or being very in tune with your body.

I'm pretty in tune with my body (well, with the exception of not noticing for a month that I was probably pregnant, but I have excuses for that one!) and I'm pretty sure I've felt Blueberry move. I have to sit still for a little while and concentrate, but I know I can't just be that gassy!

At any rate...the other morning, while snuggled up, I'm pretty sure Blueberry kicked. Which means she kicked Ryan in the butt. He didn't find it nearly as amusing as I did, but he didn't feel it either.

I'm training her well already!

Saturday 14 June 2008

One Week


Dress to change into because the big one barely fits...check.


Bridal party...check.


Tents, tables, chairs...check.



Booze...check...but who cares?


Rings...almost check...Tom's finishing mine up!


Hair appointments, shoes, jewelry, makeup...check.


We might just make it...check.

Thursday 5 June 2008


Fantastic dorks that we are...we have enough books between the two of us that we've created something of a library. Ryan built some extra shelves, but we're already pretty much full. We'll soon need a couple more for Dr. Seuss!

You'll notice two of our collective 4.5 degrees hung on the wall. Overachievers!

The library also seems to be the musical hub of the apartment. Here Ryan looks hot with his guitar. He can play some distinguishable riffs. He has to learn so that he can teach me. God knows neither of us can sing to the baby.

We're thinking of opening to the public. We probably rival some of the smaller branches. All I know is that I'm not using Dewey to catalog it!

Sunday 1 June 2008

Wrong Way

According to the "lunch bunch," I'm looking at this bathing suit thing the wrong way.

Apparently, I should view it as a time when I can be huge in a bathing suit and not be concerned by it at all.

I don't know if I can pull that off.

That's Where I Got It

Cindy made us a picnic basket for a shower gift. Yeah, that's right, made. Or, at least, might as well have.

She found a basket that she liked, but it needed a lot of work.

So she just re-weaved the broken pieces, sanded, stained, and varnished (I think...I don't know what that stinky, shiny stuff is called) it. Oh, and put in things to hold the silverware.

No big deal. Really. The handle is cracked, actually. Jeez!

The basket came complete with melamine plates and nifty glasses, a salt and pepper grinder, a blanket...all the fixin's for a picnic. Too bad we didn't have this for Canary Wharf!

That's where I get it, apparently. When someone tells me what a great job I did on someting amazing that most people wouldn't even consider trying, I shrug it off like anybody could have done it. It's genetic, apparently.

All Mixed Up

Another great shower gift...from Sue... a hardcore Artisan stand mixer. You could make cement in this bad boy.

I opted to make something much more delicious than cement. I made dough for pepperoni balls. I forgot how much easier it is than trying to knead it by hand.

The finished product.

Ryan ate half a dozen when he got home. According to him...the best he's had. The secret is the topping. And, no, I'm not telling what it is.