Sunday 20 April 2008

Baby Sitter

Making her (we don't actually know that...won't for a while, either...I just like to mess with Ryan) blog debut...the fetus currently referred to as "Blueberry."

It's a sick, cruel joke to make pregnant women drink 32 ounces of water. But, that's how they get these nifty little pictures, so I guess it was worth it.

She's in a good position in the uterus and her heart is beating as fast as it should. Squirmy little twerp. I think the sonographer was having a tough time getting her.

So far so good. She's due in mid-November. We've started negotiating names. I have another appointment today to go over all the tests they did on the gallon of blood that the drew. We have a level 2 ultrasound and fetal echocardiograph scheduled for June. There's a couple more, but they're not as cool.

I'm good, too. I haven't actually gotten sick yet...that's a bonus. The smell of cooking chicken makes me want to barf, though...which is a problem because that's what we usually eat 3 nights a week, at least. I'm exhausted even when I don't do anything and all I want to do is eat fruit or steak (or cheese mustard crackers, but that's not just a prego thing, I swear!). I cry at dog food commercials and Ryan thinks I'm crazy (he thought that anyways, but...).

Babies suck out your brains. I get stupider every day. You should see the number of words I've misspelled. It's incredible. I wore two different color shoes to school the other day.

This oughtta be good.


Anonymous said...

Ah, I'm sure you're a wonderful babysitter and Ryan will definitely help you... he's such a sweetie. Not getting sick is a great bonus too!! As for the "brain sucker" well, she's not on the other hand, I hate to say, will never regain what is lost. It's been nearly 10 years and I have yet to get back those cells... or my warmth. Been chilly for so long, I don't remember what it was like to be warm. Hugs to you and Ryan and little blueberry.

Anonymous said...

The not getting sick comes from your mom as does the cheese mustard crackers. You do know that the name Blueberry is going to stick with this kid. Not only does she suck out your brains but she also sucks out Ryans if you get my drift(those of us that are women understand).