Monday 17 March 2008

Mint Condition

The giant south-facing window in the kitchen, complete with two ledges, coupled with my success in not killing Sue's cactus-like thing (should I be doing anything to it? Because I haven't...that's probably why it's doing so well) and keeping a mint plant alive for well over a week now, has inspired me to try to grow more plants.

While I was out the other day, I found this nifty little greenhouse thing that goes on the window sill. It comes with little pellets of dirt (and probably some kind of stuff that helps plants grow big and strong). You just add water and seeds and put it somewhere kinda warm and vaguely sunny. Then you wait.

I'm not good at that part. I probably should have just looked for plants that were already big and strong. I'd probably have better luck. I planted a bunch of each kind of seed I got (that nifty thing holds 24 "plants") in the hopes that something will grow. There's lavender (the short, light purplish kind...I've wanted some of that since this summer in Jolly Old England), basil, cilantro, parsley, oregano, catnip (ha!), and something else that I can't for the life of me remember. It's okay...I wrote it down...somewhere.

We'll see how this goes. My mint plant is actually growing pretty well. He needs a pretty pot, though. He's in a little dorky plastic thing right now. I've been talking to him. I think you're supposed to do that. Maybe I'm just crazy!

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