Tuesday 21 July 2009

Hooray for Yard Sales

I love yard sales. I remember the Lake Street yard sales in Girard way back in the day. My mom always went. I got to a point where I would complain about getting up so early and at some point they just stopped.

The weekend before last, there were sales all the way up and down Harvard Street, just a couple of blocks away, so after breakfast Liam and I headed out to see what we could come up with.

My love of yard sales has been rekindled...to say the least.

I came up with a baker's dozen articles of clothing (including a Ralph Lauren polo shirt and a Baby Gap denim jacket) for 50 cents each. Gently used clothing, by the way, has the added bonus of containing much less residue from pesticides used on cotton...and, again, 50 cents each...what is that? 5 percent of the original cost of some of these things?

I got a couple of annoying electronic toys that mister loves, a Boppy pillow, and a bunch of books.

I also found this...

For those of you unfamiliar with this contraption, it is a Jumperoo. They retail for close to $100, depending on the bells and whistles. This one was $10 and a moment of my spare time to wipe it down (it's barely been used). Score.

I'm going to have to start getting the Friday paper to check out the sales.

The Whole Enchilada

I make really great enchiladas. Really. Ask Ryan.

This is the recipe. You'll notice that I do what I normally do with directions of any kind. I read them, decide that I like parts of them, and then change the rest.

This was the first time I used the grill as part of the enchilada prep. The chicken is rubbed with a spicy blend that is mostly ground chipotle and cumin...I could tell you the rest, but then I'd have to kill you...and, no, that recipe isn't 100% accurate, so don't even try it.

There are, for those of you counting, three jalapenos and two habaneros headed into the mix for eight enchiladas. If you're good at math...(3+2)/8 = spicy.

If you lean in close, you'll probably clear your sinuses. I'll bill you later.

What would the enchilada be without its authentic Goya red beans and rice? (10 points if you can't hear "red beans and rice" without starting to hum a certain Sir Mix-a-lot song...)

One last coat of cheese before it goes in the oven...mmmm...cheese.

The finished product, complete with almost enough sour cream to make it possible to eat without dying. For me, at least...According to Ryan, it was "a good start."

He wants me to make the next batch spicier. He forgets that I have to sleep with him.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Liam Likes It

So far, Liam seems to like his room. He seems concerned about that ray of sunshine, though...it must not be certified organic.

He was making that funny noise because it echoed while the upstairs was empty. Now, there are a lot more toys than I thought he had in his room. Along with his crib, which he is sleeping very well in despite the change. He actually naps better...must be having his own space out of the hustle and bustle.

I'd say he likes it.