Sunday 16 November 2008

The Adventures of Teeny Little Super Guy and Super Dad!

Liam had his first bath...and everyone survived. Even dad! He didn't care much for it, but he's cleaner now. He had a rough day yesterday, but he got over that hump. He's apparently eating pretty well (who'd have thought you could get so excited about poop...).

Super Dad, aka Ryan, is now a pro at changing diapers, squeezing vaseline, arranging pillows, keeping sleepy babies awake while they breastfeed, and dressing squirmy babies.

He's also really good at fixing meals (since mommy's a little sore and stuck upstairs for the most part), hauling water, doing laundry, running the dishwasher, and running to the baby store (later today!).

Even more important, he's really good at keeping mommy from having a crazy breakdown while she fights the evil forces of sore breasts and sleep deprivation. Yay, Super Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you gotten to the point where you wish men could breast feed children?? I learned to LOVE my lanolin! That stuff is awesome!!