Tuesday 22 July 2008

Little Eagle

While we were in DC, Ryan showed me where he spent a lot of time partying...whoops! I mean, learning (come on, have you met him?...which do you think he did more of?). We visited the campus of AU. I got to see the location of so many of the stories I've heard about. It was pretty cool. I like the "flaming cupcake" the best!

While we were there Ryan got a new t-shirt (that has already been claimed for the next quilt...I don't know if he realizes that or not) and a hat (see above). He looks hot.

We also bought young Mr. Sitter a little something...

Even better...After we got back, I found a baby Prep shirt, too!

More than Just Crabcakes

Our first night in Annapolis we headed to the Middleton Tavern. I think pretty much every restaurant in the city (even the Starbucks we popped into a few days later) is in a building that's at least 200 years old. The Middleton was pretty good and we got to watch the people next to us have their dinner prepared tableside by what I'm pretty sure was the owner.

The next day, during our walking tour (yes, with the wands) around town we stopped for lunch at Galway Bay. Ryan had mussels and I had what might be the second best burger ever (after Clifton Manor and neck and neck with J. Paul's).

That night we had dinner at O'Leary's Seafood. Ryan had some kind of scallops for an appetizer and some kind of tuna something as an entree. You can see I'm really concerned with seafood. I suppose if I liked seafood, I would have been happier. You see, the filet I ordered medium came out pretty much seared on each side and was so raw I was afraid to eat it (pregnancy has it price). They did give us dessert for free because of the problem, chocolate cake-the kind with the molten middle, so I couldn't complain too much.

Next day for lunch we hit the jackpot at O'Brien's Oyster Bar. Ryan had noticed the pizza on a table outside the previous day. So, when we were looking for lunch we stopped in and had what I think might be the best pizza I've had in quite a while. Crust was great...not too doughy, not too chewy. Sauce was spicy and thick. Pepperoni was greasy and delicious, like it was meant to be. We considered ordering a second one.

That night we went to Lewnes' Steakhouse at the recommendation of a former citizen of fair Annapolis. It was fantastic. The only drawback was my window seat overlooking the enormous collection of wine that I couldn't drink. We both had great steaks (although the delmonico at Calao's still holds the number one spot) and they actually managed to cook my steak thoroughly enough that I could eat it without fear of foodborne illness.

Lewnes' has among their fine collection a bottle of $1050 wine. I believe that you get what you pay for...to an extent. I know that a $60 bottle tastes better than a $6 bottle, but can a wine really be good enough to warrant dropping a grand on it? I'm not convinced.

I can't forget to mention Ann's breakfasts at Georgian House. They were great...fresh fruit, puffy pancakes and French toast, bacon, muffins...yum!

DC was a little less interesting on the food front. Of course, we went to J. Paul's. We ended up at an Italian place called Bertucci's for dinner that night. We ended up at an Elephant and Castle for lunch. We tried to hit Lauriol Plaza, but the wait was too long for a preggo with a headache, so we went to Circa instead. Had some ice cream at Kramer Books that was ridiculously good.

Before we headed out, we had breakfast at the Beacon Hotel's bar and grill-type place. Mine was good...bacon, eggs, potatoes, toast, juice, milk...you can't go wrong there. Ryan had oatmeal with golden raisins. He said he liked it, but I don't know how good it could have possibly been...it was oatmeal.

Jeez! You'd think all we did was eat...

Monday 21 July 2008


We finally decided to take a little honeymoon. Our first stop was Annapolis, Maryland...home of the...

We did the requisite walking tour of the historic sites, complete with dorky wands.

We also stood in the middle of Main Street to try to get this picture. I like Main Street. There's a store called "Alpaca International."

Annapolis is quite the sailing town. I'm really surprised that I didn't get more of "Would you be mad if I bought a boat?"

Annapolis is a great example of what Erie could be, but isn't. Historic waterfront district, free music, great little shops, amazing restaurants. We could learn a thing or two.

Sunday 13 July 2008

Order of the Garter

One of our goals is to educate here at Bob's My Uncle...so without further ado.

As far as I can gather, the tradition of the garter toss comes from the ancient belief that it was lucky to have a piece of the bride's wedding attire. As you can imagine, this easily got out of hand...people ripping apart the bridal gown. Even though you aren't going to wear it again, the destruction of the gown is still tragic.

There are other explanations, but they're not as sweet as that one. I'll let you look that one up yourself!

The DJ explains the process to Ryan.

"Hey! How many layers does this thing have? Do you think we could insulate the apartment with it?"

"Why does your mom have that baseball bat?"

"Hey, they did a great job on your pedicure."


"I am the man!"

I made all of that up, by the way. I don't really remember what he said. It was still pretty funny and the pictures did come out great. I like it.

Saturday 12 July 2008

Let Them Eat Cake

All Occasions Goodies is responsible for our beautiful cake. It tasted at least as good as it looks.

We had some cutlery issues when it came time to cut the cake. Apparently, the only thing they could find was this machete.

You'd think Ryan would trust me with a knife...I AM a trained professional.

Ryan was very good about not smushing me in the face with cake. I think it's because I told him that I would probably cry if he did...hormones, you know.

I returned the favor. I smushed a little, but it was mostly because the piece I cut was a little too big.


Abbey Road

It's very possible that I'm crazy...but I think this picture looks familiar somehow.

They're going the wrong direction...and Kayla's a little short, but I think there's a hint of similarity.

Is it just me?