Wednesday 30 April 2008

Blueberry Explained

It occurs to me that some of you are confused by the Blueberry references.

When we first realized that I was "in the family way" Ryan asked me a question about the baby. I don't even remember exactly what it was, but my response was essentially that the baby was approximately the size of a blueberry at the time (she's about the size of fig now).

Thus, Blueberry.

It's already sticking.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Kitty on a Leash

The lady across the way from us has a gray and white kitty. We know this because kitty goes out on a long red leash.

The pictures are a little fuzzy because I was trying to take them inconspicuously through a window, but you get the idea.

The girls love to sit and watch kitty. Ryan keeps offering to take them outside, but I don't think that's a good idea.

I put Gigi on a leash once. Have you ever seen a fish flopping around on the end of a line? It was a little like that.

Friday 25 April 2008

I Know You're Out There

Really. I see you.

Well, most of you. Some of you are out there and we didn't even know it. Apparently, our readership is even wider than we suspected.

Know why?

It's because you never leave COMMENTS!

Jeez! You make the crazy pregnant lady do ALL the work. I see how it is.

Something's Growing On

Besides that!

For a long time, I've been unable to grow plants. Not just unable...I've killed cacti. Sue has plants I don't even sit that close to. I thought that my body emitted some kind of toxin that destroys plants on the molecular level.

I was wrong.

I've actually managed to grow some things. The following pictures are actually a week or two old, so most of the plants are even bigger. I even used some of the basil in the bruschetta I made for dinner tonight.

This is the cat nip. Not really hard to grow, but it's going crazy! Makes kitties happy.

Happy kitties help out with the planting.

I think this is the oregano. It smells like (wait for it!) oregano. That's pretty cool.

Ad here's George, the mint plant that started it all. He's getting too big for his coffee cup.

I have some lavender that's doing really well. The basil is all over the place. There's rosemary that's finally doing something. The parsley is getting somewhere finally. I'm pretty impressed. I actually need a couple more cool cups to put a few more odds and ends into.

And Sue's cactus-y thing is still alive!

Sunday 20 April 2008

Baby Sitter

Making her (we don't actually know that...won't for a while, either...I just like to mess with Ryan) blog debut...the fetus currently referred to as "Blueberry."

It's a sick, cruel joke to make pregnant women drink 32 ounces of water. But, that's how they get these nifty little pictures, so I guess it was worth it.

She's in a good position in the uterus and her heart is beating as fast as it should. Squirmy little twerp. I think the sonographer was having a tough time getting her.

So far so good. She's due in mid-November. We've started negotiating names. I have another appointment today to go over all the tests they did on the gallon of blood that the drew. We have a level 2 ultrasound and fetal echocardiograph scheduled for June. There's a couple more, but they're not as cool.

I'm good, too. I haven't actually gotten sick yet...that's a bonus. The smell of cooking chicken makes me want to barf, though...which is a problem because that's what we usually eat 3 nights a week, at least. I'm exhausted even when I don't do anything and all I want to do is eat fruit or steak (or cheese mustard crackers, but that's not just a prego thing, I swear!). I cry at dog food commercials and Ryan thinks I'm crazy (he thought that anyways, but...).

Babies suck out your brains. I get stupider every day. You should see the number of words I've misspelled. It's incredible. I wore two different color shoes to school the other day.

This oughtta be good.