Monday 8 October 2007

String Theory

No. This blog has nothing to do with physics. Ten points, though, to those of you who thought it might. You never can tell with us. Minus ten if you had to go 'wikipedia' string theory. (I even made it easy for you.) Minus ten more if you got a headache reading the first paragraph.

No, this blog has to do with the strings I spend a lot of time picking off my clothes. Even some of my students help me out (I have some of these kids 3 times a day, they get pretty comfortable with you after that). It's an occupational hazard. I am always covered in string. It's like I'm a string magnet. Someone else can be sewing and I'll get their string. I'm not even safe when I knit.

Today, though, I am celebrating the string. The t-shirt quilt is finished. It's in the dryer. I had to wash it to get rid of lines and cat hair, but it is completely done! Yay! Yippee! and all kinds of other celebratory noises!

Not only that, but I also knit the gauge swatch for The Sweater (do you like that?). It's coming out perfect. I never, ever knit to the right gauge on the first (or eighth) shot. For those of you who are nearly as confused by this paragraph as you were by the string theory reference, gauge is what careful knitters try to get before they start knitting, so that the sweater fits the person they're knitting it for (instead of being twice as big as it should be). Basically, the pattern says, "you should get X number of stitches over 4 inches" or something similar. You usually get one more or one less, no matter what you do and then you throw the whole thing in a closet somewhere and go back to making scarves (because it doesn't matter what size the scarf is).

I, however, "got gauge" as they say. And I'm thinking of doing a little dance about it.

So, if my needles ever show up, I can start knitting The Sweater. Hopefully, it will be done before it starts snowing in Brentwood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynnsey! I just adore reading your blog--you're such an engaging writing. Thought I'd say hello to my future sister-in-law! Feel free to email me if you like:
