Monday 6 April 2009

The Nose Knows

It's been brought to my attention that Liam might look a little bit like me, too. I don't see it so much...I still say he looks like Ry, with his crooked smile and (sorry) Sitter ears.

I'm on the left (that's my nephew on the right...he was known as "little Dale" growing up...the last time I saw him, nearly ten years ago, my hand was the size of his palm...) with my dad, circa 1981.

I might concede that he has my nose...but that's it.

When Bath Towels Attack!

Today, after his bath, Liam was none other than his towel!

It tried to eat him. Luckily he had his trusty spoons and easily made short work of the blue terry terror.

Ryan also took a picture of us in the bath (Liam mostly soaks the whole bathroom when we use the little tub, so now I just throw on my suit and climb in the big tub with him...he likes to float, who knew?). Needless to say, it will not be available to the public. It would almost be cute if I didn't look like a black and pasty-white manatee. Time to get on the bike, I guess.

Thursday 2 April 2009

This Place is a Zoo!

Liam and I went to the zoo today. Before we left, though, we had to check to see if the Bjorn (or the Bjork as Ryan calls it...apparently, I'm carrying our son around with the help of a small, Icelandic singer with no fashion sense) was set up correctly. Mister has grown a little since we used it last. Now, Instead of facing me and looking out the armholes, he can actually face out and see the world.

Unfortunately for you Liam watchers out there, this means there are more pictures of critters than of him. It's hard to take a picture of someone who's strapped to your chest.

We started our tour with mommy's favorite...the red panda.

And his next-door neighbor, the lemur. I'm having flashbacks of watching Zoboomafoo with Amber when she was little...

Next, we went inside. It's been quite some time since I've been to the zoo, so it was almost as new to me as it was to Liam. In other words, I had no idea where I was going. It turned out ok...this is what we saw next.

The gorilla looked like she was deep in thought. This little guy, however, was scratching his butt repeatedly.

Liam liked this kitty...she's just a little bit bigger than Lola.

There are actually two birds at the top of this water fall...and a turtle down in the water. I couldn't get a good shot of either.

Just outside, there was another kitty. We like kitties.

This one looks bored.

These llamas live across from the kitty. I don't know if I'd put my llamas that close to the kitty...I'm just saying.

Onward, to the hardest working animal in the zoo. It's a tough life, being a polar bear.

It's also very tough to be a lioness. In the wild, she'd have to hunt. Here, I think she was reading Cosmo.

I don't even have to say anything about warthogs. They're funny on their own.

We tried to bring this guy home with us, but I thought Ryan would notice another cat...

It's gotta be tough being a turtle at the zoo. Does anybody go to see the turtles?

We almost missed the rhinoceros...Don't ask me how you miss a rhino...they're surprisingly stealthy.

I've got a bone to pick with these guys...They called that American-Villanova game pretty crooked, if you ask me.


*Indiana Jones theme here*

Yippee! More red pandas. I love these guys. I want to take one home!

This looks familiar somehow...

This guy's working on his tan.

Who knew giraffes had such huge heads? Or that the zoo had such dirty windows?

I think that the ducks are in the same boat as the turtles. Who goes to see the ducks? Now, if they really were in a boat with the turtles...that might draw a crowd.

Liam's favorite thing was the otters. I think he wanted to dive in and swim with them. This guy is much cuter than the hockey players.

There are a lot more pictures, but I can't think of anything to write about them. Go to the zoo yourself...don't expect me to do all the work.

I finally took Liam out of the Bjork. He got awfully heavy after the second hour. We made it all the way through, though. Score one for the Bjork.

Of course, Liam had to have a shirt. I'm not sure whether this will end up as part of the big quilt or the one I'm planning out of all the baby stuff (when we're done using it for babies, that is).

That's it for the zoo. It's supposed to snow next week or Liam and I could start our new lives as beach bums...