Friday, 26 December 2008

In the Jungle

The Sitter family has moved!

We now live in the rain forest.

It all started with the soother. Mobiles have to be taken down as soon as babies start to pull up, so I decided to go with the soother. It plays music and makes rain forest sounds. It lights up and the monkey, fish, and frog all move. It's pretty great. When he gets old enough he can even turn it on by himself (you press the toucan).

We got another piece of rain forest on Christmas Eve.

Here Liam lounges under the canopy.

He has become great friends with the giraffe (who I'm pretty sure doesn't live in the rain forest...along with the elephant or the zebra, but hey, whatever!).

The toucan does belong in the rain forest. There's a whole flock of them.

This is the same monkey from the soother. I think he really belongs in the rain forest, too. He's very cute.

We got anther piece of rain forest on Christmas day.

It has another giraffe. I think this is the other one's girlfriend.

It also has a zebra that plays music when you spin his little ball. We've been rocking out to zebra ever since.

There is a leaf. Not all that exciting, I know.

But, if you pick the leaf up...

Liam seems to like living in the rain forest.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Liam's Big Weekend

Liam had a big weekend.

We trimmed the tree with Grammy and Grampy! He supervised, of course!

Here he is in front of his masterpiece with mommy!

On Sunday, we went to the grocery store. It took a loooooong time to convince daddy that we wouldn't get the plague from spending an hour at Wegman's. Liam slept in the Bjorn the whole time, drooling right down mommy's shirt. Actually, I'm not sure he even realized we went anywhere...he slept through the whole thing.

Here we go! Ready for the road trip to Wegman's!

When we got home, Liam ate lunch. Then we had some tummy time with mommy. We're reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Usually, he falls asleep by the middle of each chapter.

Then, (Great!) Grandma and Grandpa Sitter came over to visit! Liam spent an hour or two being told how cute he was exhausting! It's tough work having everyone love you!

Then Liam watched some football with daddy. I'm not pointing any fingers, but I'd swear his breath smelled like pretzels...

Monday, 8 December 2008

Oh, Christmas Tree

Well, if you haven't been over, the place looks much fuller than it did last time you saw pictures. We have furniture and stuff!

However, we still only have one chair for the big table.

But we have more than one couch. We actually have more couches than we need. One has become the place for cool cats to hang out. We still have cool stained-glass windows and a nifty light. We've yet to have a fire in the fireplace this year, but it's in the works.

We also have a Christmas tree! The same fake, from-Lowe's, bought-on-Black-Friday, tree that Gracie climbed last year (we got smart and bought another kitty-zapper this time so she can't perch in the tree and break things). Here, a bird's-eye view of the unfurling process.

Liam and bink supervise from the swing.

It's up. The star is on top (mostly because it's easier to do it that way than climb something and fight with it for ten minutes). That's about it. Between Clarion and global logistics we haven't gotten any further. Paco the Christmas Parrot is still resting in his box and the Yuletide Cactus is wrapped up, too. Maybe this week. I bought more egg nog just in case!

And, no, it's not that crooked anymore. We straightened it out after this picture was taken!

Friday, 5 December 2008

Thank You..Thank You Very Much!

A great big round of applause for Team Grammy this week. Between my mom and Sue, I actually got some homework done. They now believe me when I say that Liam stays awake all day.

Since the term (and the whole program) ends Sunday and I need to get a B to get these bad boys paid for we called in the troops. Hooray!

It's hard to hold a baby and type...