Tuesday 27 November 2007

Oh, Chistmas Tree

For those of you who don't read my crafty blog, but like to see Ryan drinking wine in a stocking cap...

On Black Friday (because we're crazy), we went to Lowe's and bought a Christmas tree. A fake, not pre-lit, "Grenada pine," made in China, fabulous, wonderful tree. I haven't put a tree up for the last couple of years because the cats try to climb them. I haven't been excited about Christmas for a couple of years now. I'm excited about this Christmas.

While we assembled said tree, we had a bit of an audience. They think we're stupid. They know that trees belong outside.

Here's Ryan posing in front of his "job well done." Nobody fluffs fake pine branches like my man. The funny part of this picture is the hat. It really is that cold in my house!

Ginger helps out by making sure that the tree smells good and tastes right. She gave it the thumbs up (even though she doesn't have any) and we proceeded to decorate.

The finished product...It's been up for a day and the girls have only knocked four ornaments off and tried to eat a couple branches. Let's just say we're waiting to put up any of the really breakable ornaments. Those of you who decorate your trees with distinct and uniform color schemes should probably not look too closely at the tree. You might have some kind of seizure. I'd feel bad about that.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Gracie is Angry

Since Ryan is allergic to cats, I shut the door to keep them off the bed when he's home. The girls are used to having the run of the house and they get a little testy about this.

Gracie gets especially angry. She lies in wait on top of the bookshelf in the morning. She also creates elaborate lies about big ferocious doggies trying to eat her or being boiled in oil (you have to speak cat to understand all of this...Ryan usually translates). She coordinates attacks with the other cats. They are usually swarming around the door, waiting to attack in the morning.

They miss Ryan, too.